Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Music in Dahlia Park

On Saturday, our family joined the neighbors in our community park to enjoy a steel drum band and potluck. The Fisher family and Grandma Jan were able to join us too. It was a lot of fun to listen to the music and let the little ones wander around together. Clara eventually had a good time, but initially was completely freaked out by some silly balloons some of the neighbor kids were playing with. When she saw one she immediately shrieked, tensed up and froze. This was by far her most adverse reaction to something. Luckily with the kids and cupcakes, Clara was able to eventually get distracted and have some fun.
Kevin and Cory took turns pulling Clara and Logan around in the wagon.

Logan enjoyed his cupcake too - what a sweetie!

Hayden easily made friends with the neighborhood kids and even had his chance to play the steel drums. It was a pretty fun day!

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