Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Seattle Waterfront & Pike's Place Market

On Sunday we were treated with the perfect weather to go down to the waterfront and walk through the market. We hadn't taken Clara to the market in quite a while and had never brought her down to the waterfront. Our initial idea was to take Clara to the aquarium, but we didn't time the trip well as far as her lunch and a nap and decided to do it another day. Scout was a trooper, though. She was delighted by the boats, water and even the seagulls!!

Clara and Daddy checking out the water

Family shot

Clara enjoyed the carousel so much in Seaside, Kevin wanted to take her on the one on the pier. As you can see, again she had a BLAST!!

We ended our day with a nice dinner at Wild Ginger downtown. We feel lucky that Clara is still relatively well behaved when we go out to eat. We know that this wont last, but sure appreciate it right now. We also loved having Grandma Jan along with us!

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