Sunday, November 21, 2010

Gem is 2 months old

Can you believe it... Our little "Gem" is now 2 months old!!

Janie weights 12 lbs. 3.5 oz., just a half ounce behind Clara at this age, so she is gaining weight faster than her big sister did. She is 22 3/4 inches long and is in the 75-90% percentiles so our pediatrician is very happy with her growth. While she has always been good at holding her head up, she now has very few wobbles and looks around a lot when she is doing her tummy time.

Janie Bug's biggest development in the past month has been her growing repertoire of expressions and sounds, most of which are happy. She shares more and more smiles with us every day, the kind that you can become happily entranced in and are glimpses of the personality she is developing - So much fun!

We learned last week while giving her a bath, that she has seemed to find her all out scream that is louder than her normal cry. She is usually kind enough to give us lots of warning calls before she breaks out into a full cry, but she isn't fully convinced that the bath is a good thing, especially when we tried to squeeze one in when she was sleepy - whoa! She let us have it!

Gem has more wakefulness during the day now, with a few short cat naps and several solid naps. She likes to ride in the car seat, stroller or Bijorn carrier and does some great sleeping there making it easy to take her on outings during the day, that is if we remember to bring everything that she and Clara require for outings.

Janie's hair is starting to rub off in the back and on the left side of her head a little. Her eyebrows and eyelashes have grown in a lot and those pretty eyes continue to be BLUE! We are still wondering about what color hair she will end up with, but it still seems to show up reddish in a lot of photos. Whatever combination she ends up with she will be beautiful!

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