Monday, November 8, 2010

Grandma Elaine's 10th Great Grandchild

On Sunday, we made our first trip to visit Grandma Elaine since Janie was born. Grandma & Grandpa Stevens met us in Auburn as well. Grandma Elaine's decline is consistent and while she was sleeping soundly when we first arrived, once she was awake she was absolutely delighted to cuddle a baby. Although she asked the same questions ("Now, how old is this baby?") and made the same comments ("Wow, look at those big hands!") about Janie several times, her maternal instincts with infant care were still sharp. It was nice to see Grandma this way!

Janie was sharing so many smiles that afternoon and we were all eating 'em up!

Our attempt at a 4 generation photo - although Grandma isn't looking at the camera, this is the best one we got. We'll have to try again at our next visit.

*Clara and Janie have their Seahawks dresses from Auntie Michele on. Too bad their support appeared to be conversely correlated to the outcome of the game that day.

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