Monday, November 22, 2010

*** Season's First Snow ***

Without any significant snow last year, Clara was so very excited when the flakes started falling today. She couldn't wait to get outside and stood by the back door to watch the snow fall. I am so thankful for my friend Cindy who picked up the snowsuit for Scout a few weeks ago. Clara stayed warm all bundled up in her Arctic exploration!

First task... trying to catch snowflakes on her tongue!

Then she tried to made a snowball, but it just stuck to her gloves.

Next... Clara made her first snow angel (although she has been know to make sand angels this at the beach)

Having a hard time moving around in all her winter gear.

After getting all of her stuff rounded up and on her, Clara stayed outside for less than twenty minutes before deciding she was ready to come back inside. I wasn't ready to bring Janie out so I stayed close to the back door to keep an eye on Janie. Hopefully next time we go out in the snow we can venture out farther and maybe meet up with some of the neighborhood kids for some snowy fun!

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