Sunday, March 20, 2011

St. Patrick's Day Fun

We had a busy, but fun St. Patrick's Day this year. We started off with playgroup. It is hard to believe that Clara is one of the older kids in this group. We started attending when she was 8 1/2 months old! We have made some wonderful friends and Clara has benefited immensely, both socially and from an educational standpoint, from attending every Thursday (well, a little less frequent since Janie has arrived).

The craft of the day was making a Blarney Stone!

Scout's Creation - ready for kisses...

Special playgroup friends, Ava, Amanda & Vivi

Shamrock Girl!

Ring around the Rosie! The best part is that they were not prompted to do this at all. These kiddos are just know how to have a good time together!

Even the little ones
Janie Bug & her adorable leprechaun pal, Idan

Happy 1st St. Patrick's Day, Janie Caroline

We spent our afternoon at another great playdate at Clara's other pal Ava's house! Silly Mommy didn't bring her memory card in her camera and doesn't have photo documentation of that great play, but the treats were festive, activities were bountiful and playmates adorable as well!

1 comment:

Mona said...

Ooh I will send you a few pics. I didn't get many of Clara this time as I think she spent most of her time playing dress up in Ava's room. :)