What a perfect start Christmas morning got off to! First off, Janie slept through the night...
Clara came downstairs around 8:00 and came into our room cheering that Santa had indeed come! And left stuff in our stockings!! We had a minute to snuggle her and enjoy the excitement before we heard Janie happily call out. When we went out to the tree Clara immediately noticed her Merida doll and was thrilled!
Clara also received the Calico Critter Mansion while Janie got a high chair and lots of accessories for her babies and Serafina talking robot toy.
The girls were a little overwhelmed with all of the gifts, especially since we had been celebrating and exchanging gifts in the lays leading up to Christmas with Michele, Davis, my side of the family and now there were all the gifts from Santa!
In her stocking Janie found the Mama & baby pigs that she asked Santa for. Clara received her request for a Secret of the Wings yo-yo, that had to be custom created with printed stickers for her.
It was neat to take the girls shopping this year to select items for one another. Clara picked out the Calico Critter Koala family for Janie and Janie selected the Calico Critter bathroom for Clara. At the toy store they both seem to flock towards that play table and have fun playing it together so it was great that they made similar selections.
Clara had so much fun learning to wrap and help pick our gifts for Mommy & Daddy. She found a great set of castle building blocks for Daddy and wrapped and signed the gift herself!
Happily playing with their gifts from Mom & Dad
More stuff... Clara got the Triplet Bears from BRAVE and Janie got a Spiderman doll she was obsessed with every trip to Target!
Santa was very good to the Michael Family this year and brought us all a Kindle Fire. Once it was noticed, it captured both girls attention! Amazing how quickly they catch onto electronic gadgets!
Mommy got a very special surprise this year from Clara that Daddy helped orchestrate. When we were putting the ornaments up, I pulled out my special Dorothy and told Clara the story of getting to pick her out at an ornament shop I went to with my mom. I mentioned that there were other Wizard of Oz characters, but I had to pick Dorothy. Well, my sweet husband was able to track down the Tin Man, Lion & Scarecrow from a 1983 collection to go along with my Dorothy. Such an amazing gift!
Kevin also selected a great pair of boots for me. Lucky Mama!
Around 10:00 on Christmas morning after most of the gifts were opened and we were getting ready to go to Quincy for Christmas dinner, Kevin pulled up the pass report... Uh Oh! It ended up snowing like crazy in the pass and all the traffic cams showed cars lining 1-90. It was a tough call, but we kept our sweet babies safety in mind, and opted to stay home for Christmas! Even if we would have gotten through safely, who knows how many hours it would have taken us and that is not a fun way to celebrate!
Instead, we had a much different Christmas than was planned. As cliché as it sounds, we ordered Chinese (90 minute wait) watched Christmas movies and played with all the fun new toys! It may have been upsetting as first (mostly for me) but it ended up being a memorable and relaxing holiday full of many beautiful blessings!
Plus, the next day the pass was clear and we got to enjoy the day with family anyway!