Monday, December 17, 2012

Santa Breakfast

As a fun way to kick of our advent activities Mommy took Clara & Janie to our local Santa Breakfast.  Right away we got in the line to meet Santa and I am sure glad we did.  Going into this experience I had no idea how Janie would respond to him and was a little nervous she'd be a screamer but you have to try, right!?!  When we had been in line for only a few minutes, Santa got up to stretch a minute and lead everyone in Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.  He got right down in Janie's face and patted her head and the kid lit up!  It made the next 20 minutes of waiting in line worth it!  Both girls were excited and I love this photo (the one above is just an iphone shot of the original). 

Clara asked Santa for a Merida doll and Janie asked him for a pig?!?

After meeting Santa we had a yummy pancake breakfast and then finished the morning off at the giant gingerbread house.  Hundreds of kids were given a bowl of candy and frosting to dip to decorate this playhouse sized gingerbread house.  The candy didn't stick well and slid down the side to piles on the floor.  Both our girls were a little obsessed with eating the candy and so after they attempted putting a few pieces up, I let them enjoy a piece or two as well. 

The Santa breakfast was a fun event we look forward to participating in next year!

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