Wednesday, October 26, 2011

13 month old Gem!

Mommy had so much fun with these Picky Stickies during Janie's first year, I decided to buy a  set for her second year.  We'll see how easy getting this years photos will be though.  Mommy didn't get the lighting right or the best expressions out of Janie, but with her moving all over the place, and picking on the sticker itself, it was a challenge and I am just glad to have a few shots of her looking at the camera. 

In the month since her first birthday, most of Janie's developmental milestones seem to be the areas of listening and performing.  It is such a fun time in parenting to realize that your little one really understands so much of what we are communicating with/telling/asking them.  If she wants to be cooperative, Janie is great about putting things back, getting a specific book or toy, standing up, taking an item or saying something on command.  She also knows when we are re-directing behavior orally, but sometimes is a little to stubborn to do what we ask.  She lets us know she knows by freezing for a second, thinking about it and then usually making a loud, obnoxious protest noise.  It isn't long before she is back at it.  We are finding that she does a lot more limit testing than Clara did at this age and is a lot harder to distract.  Being so strong-willed will serve her well when she is older!

Janie loves to play!  Right now some of her favorite toys and the town blocks, Daddy got her for her birthday, the stacking rings, balls, her blue car and whatever toy Clara is playing with.  She likes to take items out and put them back in a container.  And, like her big sister, Janie LOVES books, especially ones with animal sounds like Moo, Baa, La La La. We read them over and over, but it is just so darn cute to hear her say the noises.  We can't get her to oink or quack, but right now her favorite is to neigh like a horse.  And Mama's favorite it to hear her make the rooster sound which comes out ca-do-do-do! 

Recently, Janie has done a lot more independent standing and can get to the standing position without pulling herself up on anything.  We are very proud of this and when we get excited for her, we can tell she feels proud too!  Occasionally we can trick her into a half step, but she really isn't interested in doing any walking.  She LOVES walking holding our hands and says "wa-ee, wa-ee" while she moves along, but the second she doesn't feel secure she sits down. 

Our Gem baby's sleep isn't quite where we'd hoped it would be at this point, but this has been a rough month where we have been away from home, so we are blaming the crazy circumstances for her new routine of frequent wake-ups at night and wanting to eat multiple times.  We are looking forward to re-establishing her routine soon. 

By the look of those sweet chubby legs, you can tell that Janie is a pretty good eater.  We have not figured out any rhyme or reason to what she does or does not like because it is inconsistent.  Some meals she just seems to have too much fun throwing food on the floor that we've broken down and given her pureed baby food, which she will always take.  Other days it seems like she can't get enough of something and doesn't fling a piece.  Janie made the transition to cow's milk really well and typically sucks down her bottles.  She does great with a sippy cup too.  I had a few starter cups I tried using, but she was always wanting Clara's cup, so now they are using the same type, despite it being large for Janie.  Somehow she still knows which one is Clara's and will drain Sister's water the first chance she gets.  And so it begins...

Every day it seems like we can get Janie to say a new word.  Sometimes she is inconsistent in using them on her own.  She still loves to say "Uh-Oh, eh-e-O" her version of Uh-Oh, Spaghetti-O and Peek-a-boo, and Tickle-Tickle.  One of the sweetest things she now says is her own name.  When we ask her "What is your name?" she responds patting her chest "Naa-nee" - Absolutely melts my heart!   

In general, Janie can be a little rougher than Clara was at this age, most likely due to the fact that she is learning to hold her own with her sister and the other kids that come around.  In settings with children, she likes to be right in there where the action is instead of in our arms or in the carrier.  She is such a sweet child and lately we all have appreciated her cute smiles and silly play to lighten the mood and lift our spirits.  A delightful blessing!

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