Clara and Janie are so blessed with the greatest group of cousins from both sides of our family. On the Michael side, they are the little ones who are doted on by their older cousins. In turn, Clara idolizes them and I am sure that it wont be long before Janie does as well. We wish we got to spend more time with them all and therefore appreciate the time we do get.
Unfortunately this visit was under the saddest of circumstances. Their Grandpa Murray's health took a turn for the worst and on this day these sweet, innocent kids shared some of their last moments with him, a man that was devoted to his family, and in turn so special to all of them.
After hours at the hospital, we all needed a break. It was a beautiful fall day in Wenatchee and so we visited a wonderful park just down the road. Spending some time away from the hurt, stress and confusion seemed to be exactly what these kids needed most at that time. Despite differences in age, they all played together, laughing, running, and being silly. Honestly, it was heartwarming to see. And so I was compelled to pull out my camera to capture some of these sweet moments.
For me, this trip to the park was a strange, yet greatly needed reminder of God's order. Sometimes there really are moments of profound beauty embedded within the saddest times in our lives. Over and over in the days before, during, after Murray's passing on October 19th, we realized how many displays of this nature there really are... Many beautiful gestures made (like this from some amazing friends), so many loving people to offer support and most importantly the opportunity to be together and appreciate one another even more.
What a beautiful blessing this family is!
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