Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Clara & the Royal Princess Ball

Princess Clara Natalie was recently invited to a Royal Princess Ball in honor of her friend Vivi who was turning three.  What an enchanted event the party was.  While Clara adores everything princessy and pink right now, she was in pure awe of the event.  The photo above shows her wonderment.
When we arrived, there was a place to get your make-up and hair done, a station to decorate a wand, and station to get accessorized.  Of course there were similar stations for the knights and princes in attendance as well. Then Scout headed over to the pink bouncy castle to get her jump on. 

Beautiful (and delicious) cake!

Before long "Cinderella" as Clara referred to her, arrived and gave a sweet little presentation to the kids.  Some of the photos are from my iphone and are pretty poor quality.

Can you believe our little Princess has had no formal dance training?  Tee hee hee! 

Photos with the lovely Cinderella

And then there was the tea party

Over 35 kiddos!

Clara enjoyed helping herself to the food, especially the big bowl of strawberries!

 And then it was time to sing sweet Vivi Happy Birthday.  What a fantastic Princess day!
Clara will not be forgetting this party any time soon! 

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