Sunday, October 16, 2011


Just like I am amazed at how our children's milestones and birthdays come so quickly, I also can't believe how fast I too am "growing up" - at least in years!  I remember both of my parents being 32 and thinking of them as... um... well, I don't mean to say old, not at all, because to me my parents will always be young, but... really grown up.  In so many ways I still feel like I am just out of college, and every once in a while, I stop myself and realize, Oh!  I have been married to Kevin SIX years and we have TWO children!   WOW!  And while some days are really hard, having to juggle it all, for the most part, it feels like a dream come true!

Mama enjoying my babies on my birthday!

Together we had a nice little evening with a little shopping for me and a dinner out at The Cheesecake Factory (because that's about as fancy as we get when we go anywhere with kids anymore).  After dinner, we came home for some fun family time, my only request, beside not having to make or clean up dinner.  Kevin brought home this yummy little chocolate cake and Clara was eyeing it all evening along with me! 

This is Scout's "Excited for Cake Face"

Daddy & the girls arranged a few sweet surprises for Mommy!  A nice book and yummy chocolate from Janie...

a Lady Antebellum (our mutual favorite) cd from Clara...

...and a pretty sweater from Kev!  So spoiled!

After cake and gifts, the girls each took a turn on the new hand-me-down train from Jodi's kids.  It has been such a hit with them both.  We were actually shocked at how little time it took Janie to figure it out and make it go all on her own.  It was indeed a HAPPY BIRTHDAY, even if I have to face being all grown up!

(So sad I didn't get a photo of Kevin from the evening!  He worked hard to make it special for me and I really appreciate it!)

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