Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sweet at 17 months!

Look at our little seventeen month old bundle of sweetness!  Over the past month with all of the walking (she's getting fastern and covering more ground) and climbing, it seems like she has thinned out.  She still has her adorable chubby cheeks and solid legs but has less pudge in her tummy area and just plain looks longer. Bittersweet!

And look how grown up she looks in this pose!

This past month, Janie has continued to become more sophisticated in her play and speech.  On our trip to the zoo, she tied saying the name of all the animals and did great with their sounds, too.  On the other hand, her comprehension still lags a little.  This gets funny when she repeats something she hears around the house like "deposition" or "chardonay".  It comes out so clearly and out of place coming out of a toddler's mouth. 

Also, after weeks of seeming to have it down, she seems to have been confusing "yes" and "no" -When we ask her questions, she has been responding with "no" regardless of what we ask.  Clara went through a similar stage  and so we are trying the trick that worked for her by encouraging "please" instead of "yes."

This month Janie's interest in books has blossomed and we are so thankful.  Clara is such a reader and reading together has become a very important part of what we enjoy doing as a family.  Janie's attention span for it has increased by quite a bit.  She still has her favorite books (Little Bunny, Pookie, Snuggle Puppy) and pulls them off the shelf over and over, sometimes beating us with them if we don't get the clue when she yells, "read book... READ book... READ BOOK!"

Over the past month Janie has done a lot of teething, with 4 new teeth coming in including a molar.  Through this discomfort we have allowed a little more pacifier time and in turn she has become even more attached to her paci.  If we let her, she would have it in at all times and chooses to carry around her special blankey.  Wonder which one of these comfot items will last longer?

With the teething and a little cold this month, unfortunately, Janie still hasn't settled into a regular sleep pattern.  Slowly but surely, she is sleeping through the night more and more.  Last weekend Daddy agreed to take on the night duty because Mommy was feeling run down and those were the two nights Janie decided to sleep through the night.  On Monday night, when it was again Mommy's turn, she was up several times during the night and then up before six the next morning.  It is my suspecion that if we could arrange our whole life around her sleep schedule, she would be more consistant, but sadly, right now that just isn't possible.  We are staying home quite a lot, but Clara has to go to school and sometimes that falls right during when she may want to go down. 

The more we get to know Janie, the more we realize how much of a little spitfire she is.  She has decided she does not like childcare at the gym.  She starts fussing when we enter the room and sure enough, Mommy gets paiged to come and get her with about a half hour.  She has a similar reaction at the doctor's office and even puts up a fuss riding in shopping carts.  At times, her awnry quirks can lead to some crazy situations, so it is a good thing that our little girl balances all her screeches and hollars with hugs, kisses and now even gentle little pets.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Woodland Park Zoo

Last Sunday we decided to take advantage of our free day and the somewhat dry weather forecast to FINALLY visit Woodland Park Zoo.  Kevin and I took several dates there in college and even went with all of our nieces and nephews (well, before Zane was born), but had yet to go as a family.  Clara fondly remembers Point Defiance, but that was almost two years ago and while Cougar Mountain is nice and convenient, it was great to see the nice variety of animals at a larger zoo. 

The day was a little chilly, but we bundled the girls up and it really worked out well.  Some of the animals were not as active because of the weather, but we got to see most of them and even had a few fun surprises. 

One of the Orangutans was having a birthday so their habitat was decorated and there was a fun hunt for treats in these brightly colored bags.  It was really entertaining for Clara to watch them enjoy jello and popcorn.  Janie on the other hand was concerned with the "brooo-ken" paper bags. 

Daddy & his pals!

 Janie liked the Jaguar, although she kept calling it a tiger and saying "roarrrr"  She was riding in the stroller and saw other kids out up against the glass, often getting photos and she caught on really quick and wanted that too!

Fun to see the grizzly bears sleeping.  When one woke up, it was comical to see the tactics he used to wake the other. 

Clara, having as much fun in the on the benches and risers than looking at the animals at times.  Oh well! 

Thank goodness for our double stroller because both the girls wanted to ride a lot of the day and we can only give so many piggyback/shoulder rides!

It was a fun family adventure and great way to get us outside in the middle of February.  The girls has a lot of fun, so we are sure to not wait as long until our next trip!


One of the sweetest things in the Michael household right now is the budding relationship between Clara & Janie.  They really do LOVE one another and for the most part get along really well.  Janie is constantly asking, "Wha's sis-er doin'?" and Clara loves to make Janie laugh or to teach her something new.  They get one another giggling and the house is full of high pitched, happy squeals!  But just like any sibling relationship, they have quickly figured out how to push one another' buttons!  And where the provocation seemed to be a little one-sided for a while, Janie seems to be holding her own just fine!


I pulled my camera out to snap a few shots of them in the rocking chair with their matching shirts.  It did not take long for the toy taking, pushing and hitting to occur.  Thought I better snap a few shots in the name of proper documentation! 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day - Lucky 13!

This Valentine's Day the stars kind of aligned for us and allowed Mommy & Daddy to have a memorable day.  Maybe it was the fact that it was the THIRTEENTH time we have celebrated the holiday together. 

We started off with a fun breakfast of heart shaped cinnamon rolls and fruit & yogurt parfaits.  Daddy waited to go into work so he could have breakfast with us!

And he had fun Valentine's gifts for the girls.  This has started to become his sweet little tradition. 

Daddy came home from work a little early after picking up some goodies at Pike's Place Market. 
Then we had a few fun visitors.  Sarah, Cohen & Jaiden stopped by with a tasty heart shaped cookie, Courtney and lil' Landon brought the girls super yummy cupcakes and Cindy and Davis swung by. 

Davis and Cindy had been out of town for the past few weeks and it had been almost a month since we'd gotten together.  The kids were excited to see each other and exchange Valentine's.  Davis spoiled the girls with LOTS of candy and some really cool balloons.  Janie's eyes lit up big when they brought them inside - she just LOVES balloons!

Then we exchanged a few Valentine's for Mommy & Daddy and fed the girls dinner. 

The girls have been busy make such nice cards, and even doing a little shopping at Nordstrom!  Already they have such great taste!

We made Clara her own special Shirley Temple drink and she toasted with Daddy!

After our sweeties were tucked in, we stuck with our special traditions and cooked a yummy seafood dinner together complete with the special bread and meringues from Le Painer at Pike's Place. 

We enjoyed champagne, special music, delicious food and chocolate, which all came together thanks to tired children, and created a pretty darn romantic evening in our own dining room! 

I love you, Kevin Anthony and I love how we've managed to make and maintain our own sweet traditions over the past 13 Valentine's Days!    XOXO, Erin Elaine

Preschool on Valentine's Day!

Luckily Clara got to go to preschool on Valentine's Day.  With all of the red and pink crafts, treats and cards she was in heaven!

Clara and her pal, Aspen
Like the other school presentations, they started off with a cute little round of songs.  We'd talked several times about singing loudly and a few lines into the first song, she looked at me, smiled, and started singing loudly.  Unfortunately, she also sped up and finished the song a lot sooner than the rest of the class, but I was able to hear her and she was proud of her performance!

The class had passed out their valentines into decorated envelopes by the time the guests arrived.  Clara was excited to open hers.  In all honesty, it was mainly in the anticipation of candy!

Together Clara & Mama made these cute valentines for her classmates!  She signed each one on the back and selected a heart sticker.  She has been practicing signing her name and it gets better and better all the time!

Opening Valentines

Feasting!  So many cute heart shaped or themed snacks!  This time Mommy took the easy route with heart shaped cheese on crackers
Poor tired Janie was a champ and watched the entire presentation from her little stroller.  Bless her!