Friday, February 10, 2012

Happy Birhtday, Daddy!

Daddy's Birthday was on a Saturday this year and he requested a day full of family fun!  The day started with breakfast in bed; donuts, eggs, sausage, toast & OJ.  Clara was excited to help serve him and then sat and mooched for most of his meal.  He loved every minute of having his happy girls with him!

We enjoyed a relaxing morning and then headed to XXX Root Beer for a late (and artery clogging) lunch - YUM! 

The atmosphere at XXX is perfect for our family.  There was football on and lots of families making commotion that we didn't stand out.  Clara loved taking sips of Daddy's root beer and munching on Mommy's onion rings!

We spent the afternoon shopping in Lynwood and letting Clara check out the American Girl store and then came home to celebrate with a yummy peanut butter fudge torte cake that Clara and mommy made together.  Often we joke about how different life is now with our sweeties compared to the things we used to do.  Instead of doing something grand, having relaxed fun together is really what constitutes a great birthday! 

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