Friday, February 10, 2012

Hoping they will remember...

With every visit to Grandma Elaine, I pray that I won't be received with a blank look.  I no longer care if she remembers my name, just as long as she knows that I am family.  She loves seeing the girls and it makes me feel good to watch them interact.  Clara ate up all Grandma's comments about her pretty dress (and eyes!) while Janie figured out quickly that Grandma was someone she could be silly with.  Sometimes Janie will give us a mischievous smirk that totally reminds me of the ones Grandma has been known to make.  Here's hoping she inherits more of Grandma's jolly character traits!

Much the way, I want so badly for Grandma to remember me, I want to make sure that my girls create some memories of her and just how loving of a person she is.  Here's hoping these photos will help facilitate the preservation of those memories!

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