Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Super Bowl, Papa & Brendan's Birthday!

This year on Super Bowl weekend Daddy had to travel to Boston for work so the three of us girls packed some bags and headed down to Chehalis for a few nights with Grandma & Grandpa!  On Super Bowl Sunday, the weather was gorgeous and perfect for the kids to be outside.  The girls had an absolute blast riding in the mini gator!  Taylor is quite a driver, making tight corners and backing up extremely well.  On the other hand, teaching Clara to drive may be an exciting adventure for us!  Much like with her bike riding, she focuses on either on looking where she is going OR she will pay attention to steering, but not both simultaneously.  After a short stint as driver and almost removing the gator bumper, she happily assumed the passenger position. 

Janie and Brendan requested a ride from Papa Mark in the wagon! 

And the newest fur baby, sweet Andi (Ryan & Hailey's) looked on all the fun the kids were having.  She so cute and reminds us all of Toutle our childhood dog. 

After getting up from her morning nap (an early morning nap because she was up half the night and refused to go back down after 5:30) Janie beelined for the tricycle and acted like she knew what she was doing.  Luckily, her legs aren't quite long enough to reach the pedals.  I am really not prepared for the day this kid takes off on wheels!

Super Bowl Sunday happened to fall on sweet Brendan's 2nd Birthday!  He is changing so much every time we see him.  While he is definitely "all boy", he is a such a sweetheart and loves his cousins!

We had a fun group over to watch the game including Uncle Den and Aunt Dianne.  The Giants were victorious over the Patriots which was actually a repeat match up and result of the Super Bowl four years prior when we were in the hospital with our new baby girl, Clara. 

Dianne & G.G. Swanson provided Janie with lots of amusement and distracted her enough to eat her dinner!

Then we all sang Happy Birthday to Papa Mark & Brendan!  Grandma Jan made a decadent peanut butter cup dessert that was divine.  It was a fun day for all!

The next day the girls and I spent the whole day at G.G. & Papa Bob's house.  Silly me, I forgot to bring out my camera, but we all had a really great day together.  Taylor came over and played with Clara and Janie, too!  G.G. was prepared with lots of treats and fun activities to keep the girls entertained.  Janie even took a great nap and allowed Grandpa & I an opportunity to work on a shadow bow project with his father's WWI medals. 

We were all very happy for Kevin to come home from his trip, but we were glad to be able to make the most of his time away enjoying our wonderful family! 

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